With valentines day slowly approaching, we thought we would dedicate this months remix to love. Not love in the classical “I can’t live and breath without someone”-love, but love to music, sounds, beats, rhythms and vocals. Originally, a lot of mix tapes were created to celebrate love and loved ones, they were dedicated to a specific person and only to be found on cassette or medias equivalent to this. Today, most mix tapes are available online through streaming, and all you need to fall in love is a wifi connection.
By the end of January we showed our love to music and creativity, by performing live at Henrik Silvius Fashion Show at Copenhagen City Hall. This experience reminded us, how important factors authenticity and love to music are. Authenticity is easily forgotten in the every day life where streaming a mix tape is just as easy as stepping into the metro, taking for granted that it arrives on time and takes you wherever you plan to go without disruptions. The days an old horse carriage pass by, you are reminded how things once was and how far we have come today. At the same time, the horse carriage can send you back in time, bring back memories you may have forgotten and make time pause for just a second or two.
We hope this mixtape can make you stop for a second or two, that you just for a moment feel love to the music and remind yourself how things once was: recorded on a cassette.