639 … That is approximately how many muscles you will find within the human body. Each and every one of them having their own function; all controlled by the functioning of your brain. Some are more important than others; the heart being one of the most important. The heart would not function without the remaining muscles in your body or the brain coordinating and signalling to each of the other muscles. This may seem easy but actually there is a very complicated and interesting system working inside you - a system that must be maintained and taken care of. In order to keep everything going and make it work together it is important to practice. Practice makes perfect as they say - we have preached this before, but will probably keep doing so forever, because what is perfect really? How do you actually practice? and why do you practice - what is the aim? and how do you practice if you do not know what perfect is?
An haute-couture designer would probably say, that it is important to workout, in order to keep your muscles small and long, whereas a bodybuilder would argue that heavy lifting is the way to achieve the so-called perfect outcome. Finally, you might say: Well I don’t work out because I want big or long muscles - I work out to stay healthy and keep my mind clear. Now you may ask yourself: what is all this muscle talk really about? Isn’t this irrelevant for this months mixtape and the music?
The answer is no. We work out every single day - or at least, our muscles and our mind are challenged every single day. Combining a mixtape is a way of making things work together, lifting a finger here, while putting a toe down there - and then somehow, just at the moment while standing in an odd position, everything is shaking and the mind is about to burst, we are there and the pieces work perfectly together - at least from our point of view.